WALEOSB GROUP is a private equity and investment trading company registered and with global sister companies worldwide. The investment and trading vision is in facilitating a structured Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) globally.
Waleosb Investments raise, structure and deploy capital of self-initiated and identified projects through a co-ordinated and managed Turnkey Solution Systems (Build, Operate and Transfer “BOT”) Strategic Partnership Alliances. Waleosb Investments has identified areas of new opportunities – Insurance, Investment Banking and Advisory Services.
Waleosb Investments as an emerging diversified group in Africa is dedicated to fulfilling the ever-changing needs of its clients.

Why choose us
Wealth Management
Through trusted partners, we provide independent “boutique” consultancy for wealth transfer and liquidity planning to high net worth individuals and businesses in Africa and globally. ASSET AND WEALTH MANAGEMENT SERVICES.
Compelling Concept
We seek investments with industry defining capability, whether as a result of technological innovation, market gap, or channel innovation. We explore geographies with strong market potential, where we can achieve early mover status.
The Waleosb Network
Waleosb Investments is experienced in the investment field and where our management team has substantial knowledge and experience as well as a strong global network. We have cultivated long-standing relationships with major players.
Strong Management
Waleosb Investment seeks to invest in businesses with strong management that are highly experienced in the industry sector in which they participate and have a solid track record of achievements and integrity before them.
Waleosb Investment unit focuses on creating value through the development and/or acquisition and strategic management of early stage opportunities with a compelling concept, good management, and significant growth potential.
Economic Opportunity
Waleosb Investments is fast developing strong and solid business relationships with different Private Equity Funds, Asset and Wealth Management companies and leading financial institutions globally.
Waleosb Investments shareholders owns consortium of different companies globally with core business investments in Energy, Real Estate, Agribusiness, Telecommunication, Information Technology, Manufacturing, Mining and Infrastructure Development hereafter collectively called “Global African Consortium” (GAC) which provide turnkey solutions on “BOT” basis.
GAC’s biggest client bases are predominantly public and private sectors in Africa and globally. However, GAC has a significant corporate and/or commercial clientele.
The symbiotic relationship between GAC and Waleosb Investments is that GAC originates the projects from conceptualisation, through to planning, design and implementation; while Waleosb Investments do raise, structure and deploy the funding for the specific project identified.